What is the importance of vitamin B2?
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What is the importance of vitamin B2?

veröffentlichen Zeit: 2022-08-14     Herkunft: Powered

Vitamin B2 is one of the B vitamins, easily soluble in water and stable when heated in neutral or acidic solutions. It is part of the prosthetic group of yellow enzymes in the body (yellow enzymes play the role of hydrogen transfer in biological redox). If it is missing, it affects the biological oxidation of the body and causes metabolic problems. The lesions usually manifest themselves as inflammation of the mouth, eyes and external genitals, such as angular stomatitis, cheilitis, glossitis, conjunctivitis and scrotal inflammation, so this product can be used to prevent and treat the above diseases.

Who needs a vitamin B2 supplement?

What is the general role of vitamin B2?

What are the newly discovered functions of vitamin B2?

Who needs a vitamin B2 supplement?

1. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, women taking the birth control pill need more vitamin B2. 1.6 mg during pregnancy, 1.8 mg during lactation, 1.8 mg for the first 6 months and 1.7 mg for the next 6 months;

2. People who do not often eat lean meat and dairy products should increase their intake of vitamin B2;

3. People who are in a state of mental stress for a long time need to supplement the amount of vitamin B2;

4. People who have been under diet control for a long time due to ulcers or diabetes are more likely to have vitamin B2 deficiency (if they suffer from a particular disease and are in medical treatment, if they want to change the prescribed diet the doctor, they need to consult the doctor);

5.The recommended daily dose for adults is 1.3 mg for men and 1.1 mg for women.

To avoid riboflavin deficiency, care should be taken to protect riboflavin in food. (When eating noodles, one third to half of the riboflavin goes into the noodle soup)

What is the general role of vitamin B2?

1. vitamin B2 can promote development and cell regeneration;

2. vitamin B2 can promote normal growth of skin, nails and hair;

3. vitamin B2 can help prevent and eliminate inflammatory reactions in the mouth, lips, tongue and skin, collectively referred to as oral reproductive syndrome;

4. vitamin B2 can improve vision and reduce eye fatigue;

5. vitamin B2 affects the body's iron absorption;

6. vitamin B2 is combined with other substances to influence biological oxidation and energy metabolism.

What are the newly discovered functions of vitamin B2?

1. For the treatment of angina pectoris

People suffering from coronary heart disease, myocardial ischemia and angina pectoris can reduce or even disappear the frequency of angina after taking 75 mg of vitamin B2 three times a day for a month. vitamin B2 improves blood supply to the heart.

2. For the prevention and treatment of migraines

Researchers in Belgium and Luxembourg found that high-dose vitamin B2 supplementation can reduce the frequency and duration of migraine headaches. Migraine headaches are caused by a decrease in the energy reserves of the brain cells. And vitamin B2 can increase the potential of mitochondria in brain cells. Therefore, taking vitamin B2 400 mg once a day can effectively treat migraines.

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