What is the meaning of sodium tripolyphosphate?
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What is the meaning of sodium tripolyphosphate?

veröffentlichen Zeit: 2022-07-25     Herkunft: Powered

sodium tripolyphosphate is neutralized by phosphoric acid into sodium orthophosphate by soda ash, and then condensed. There are two methods of producing phosphoric acid, wet method and thermal method. The wet method is to react phosphate rock with inorganic acid (usually sulfuric acid, but also hydrochloric acid), then extract and refine to obtain phosphoric acid.

What are the functions of sodium tripolyphosphate?

How to use sodium tripolyphosphate correctly?

What are the applications of sodium tripolyphosphate in the food processing industry?

What are the functions of sodium tripolyphosphate?

sodium tripolyphosphate has good complexing, dispersing and other properties, and is used in the industry as a debonding agent, a soap synergist in the production of synthetic detergents and ceramics, and to prevent the oil from washing out and blooming in bar soaps.

It has a strong emulsifying effect on lubricating oil and fat, and can be used to adjust the pH value of buffer soap, as a dispersant in water softener, leather pretanning agent, dyeing auxiliary, paint, kaolin, magnesium oxide and calcium phosphate. The purpose of food trisodium phosphate is to increase the taste, and it can be used as a water retention agent, a quality improver, a thickener, etc.

How to use sodium tripolyphosphate correctly?

sodium tripolyphosphate is used in canned ham, which is conducive to the improvement of product quality under appropriate conditions, such as complete shape, good color, tender meat, easy slicing, and glossy cut surface. sodium tripolyphosphate is used to marinate raw ham meat. For each 100kg of meat, add 2.2kg of No. 3 mixed salt (91.65% refined salt, 8% sugar, 0.35% sodium nitrite) and 85g sodium tripolyphosphate. Pickled in 0~4℃ cold storage for 48~72h, the effect is good. It is used in canned broad bean production to soften the bean skin. Many fruits and vegetables have tough skins that get tougher as they mature. In fruit and vegetable processing blanching or soaking water, adding polyphosphate can complex calcium, thereby reducing the toughness of the outer skin.

What are the applications of sodium tripolyphosphate in the food processing industry?

1. Water purification and softener. sodium tripolyphosphate chelates metal ions with metal ions Ca2+, Mg2+, Cu2+, Fe2+, etc. in the solution to form soluble chelates, thereby reducing hardness, so it is widely used in water purification and softening.

2. Peel softener. sodium tripolyphosphate softens the peels of vegetables and fruits quickly, shortens the cooking time and improves the extraction rate of pectin.

3. Anti-discoloration agent and preservative. sodium tripolyphosphate can promote the decomposition of vitamin C and pigment fading, discoloration, can prevent meat, poultry, fish spoilage, to extend the shelf life of food.

4. Bleach protectant, deodorant. sodium tripolyphosphate Improves bleaching and removes odors from metal ions.

5. Antiseptic and bacteriostatic agent. sodium tripolyphosphate inhibits the growth of microorganisms, and thus has antiseptic and bacteriostatic effects.

6. Emulsifier, pigment minced meat dispersant, anti-stratification agent, thickener. sodium tripolyphosphate Disperses or stabilizes insoluble substances in water to prevent the suspension from adhering and coagulating.

7. Strong buffer and preservative. sodium tripolyphosphate can control and maintain a stable pH variation range, which can make food taste more delicious. Control acidity and acidity rate.

8. Water retention agent, softener and tenderizer. sodium tripolyphosphate has a strengthening effect on protein and gum globulin, so it can increase the hydration and water retention of meat products, improve the permeability of water, promote the softening of food, improve the quality of food, and maintain the excellent flavor of food.

9. Anti-agglutination agent. sodium tripolyphosphate in dairy products can prevent the coagulation of milk when heated, and prevent the separation of milk protein and fat moisture.

After reading these words, do you have a interest to order an sodium tripolyphosphate? If necessary, you can contact POLIFAR, which is an advance Manufacturer for sodium tripolyphosphate.

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